Psychological counseling center
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News trends
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· The second round of the 9th College Students' Mental Health Month's Psychological theme Class meeting competition was successfully concluded 2015-06-08 
· The Student Affairs Department successfully held a mock interview activity 2015-06-05 
· The Psychological Center of our school won the national excellent institution of health education for college students 2015-06-02 
· The opening ceremony of the 9th College Student Mental Health Month and the large-scale self-growth group activity of "Love Embrace" came to a successful conclusion 2015-05-27 
· Wenzhu, director of the psychological counseling center, won the honorary title of "38 Red Flag pacesetter" in Jilin City 2015-04-27 

· Psychological counseling center to carry out "College students employment psychological guidance series of lectures - University, learn what?Special lecture 2015-04-27 
· The students and workers of our school attended the keynote lecture on the technology of life crisis intervention on campus 2015-04-09 
· The Department of Student Affairs held a special lecture on love and sex education for female college students 2015-04-03 
· Psychological counseling center held the department of student psychological assistant work deployment meeting 2015-03-20 
· The "I read, I am happy, I grow" activity was officially launched 2014-12-09 

· The Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center has successfully conducted a survey on the impact of social comparison on emotions 2014-11-24 
· The psychological counseling center successfully held a lecture on "The psychology of love" 2014-11-20 
· The Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center held a seminar for faculty and Department student mental health education assistants 2014-11-07 
· The psychological survey of 2014 freshmen in our school has been carried out smoothly 2014-11-04 
· The psychological drama performance of the 2014 freshmen entrance education was successfully concluded 2014-09-28 
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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012